Tuesday, August 26, 2014

August 25, 2014 - School is back in session!

Oh my goodness.  Summer is finally coming to an end.  THANK GOODNESS!  No more vacations!  No more crazy schedules!  The only down side is less busy mornings.  But I'm sure we'll find a way to fill them up.  Sister Ketring and I stay pretty busy. :)

Um.... I forgot my planner, so it's hard to remember what went on this week...

Ooh!  We have some (more) new people to teach!  So, the first person we're going to start teaching is this 7-year old named David Pitt.  His mom, Tera, is starting to be active, and David wants to be baptized, but since he hasn't grown up in primary or anything, the bishop wants us to teach him.  He is such a super sweet kid, sort of a ladies charmer.  He loves to flirt!  Cute, good kid. :)

Also, the Martin girls are going to start inviting their friend over to their lessons.  So, originally, the Martin girls were supposed to return to their mother with summer ending, but the parents ended up switching around their custody arrangements, and so now they're staying for the school year!  This is a huge blessing, because we were worried that if they went back to their mom, they wouldn't be ale to take the lessons anymore, and it's still looking iffy on if they can be baptized or not.  But apparently, mom is coming up to "assess" the living situation.  So we might be able to get permission from her this next week.  Anyways, we went to teach the girls last night, and they invited their friend, Emma over, and Emma's parents were okay with her coming over!  Emma's dad works with some LDS people, so apparently he's pretty impressed by his co-workers.  The martins plan to invite Emily's family to church soon, so it's super exciting!

We didn't get to teach the Stinchcombs this week (Josh and Evan), because of school starting, but we should be back to teaching them this week.

Um..... oh!  We're starting to teach the Marsalas the New member discussions.  They were baptized the Saturday before Sister Ketring and I got here.  Since Nick had to be in Twin Falls for work, we got to focus on Stephanie and talked about the Book of Mormon.  We committed her to finish reading the Book of Mormon by the end of the year, and we're going to read it with her.  

Anyways, I think that's it.  I love y'all!  Keep strengthening your faith!  It can produce miracles!


Sister Empey

And pictures....

This is what Elder Homer did last week for P-day.... photoshopping... it was pretty funny. :)  People from left to right: Elder Richardson, James, President and Sister Cannon, myself, Sister Ketring, unknown Elder whose name I cannot remember, and Elder Salinas.

Sister Ketring and I (you finally see a face!  GASP!)

 One of the Marsala's Pug, Baxter.

And I found R2D2!  It was a pretty awesome moment. :)

And that's all for this week.  Enjoy!  Love you!

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